I just got back from my vacation around midnight. We went to Hilton Head South Carolina, and even during the 'dry season' the place is essentially a swamp with a beach. We happened to choose a week to go during which tropical storm "Fay" was moving up the coast, soaking the south-eastern shores of the country in violent spurts. It would be nice and sunny outside, and then all of a sudden a huge mass of clouds would come pouring in to drench the island again. We explored the various sections of the island during our first full day there, and happened upon a nice little harbor with a lighthouse on the south side of the island.
Of all the views from the top of the lighthouse...the "viewing machine" was the most interesting to me
On Monday, it actually didn't rain at all until late in the evening, so that was our first day to hit the beach. I applied quite a bit of sunscreen, but in the infinite wisdom of my family, we only had SPF 6 with us...yeah that's SPF 6 as in a SINGLE digit. The next morning I woke up to incredible shooting pains like being covered by dry ice. I was Lobster Boy! I was essentially grounded for the next 36 hours, unable to walk as my knees were so badly burned it hurt to stand up, much less walk. Fortunately I decided to bring my Gamecube along in my Boda bag (my Nikon gear was in the beach proof Lowepro Vertex 300) so I kept myself entertained all day between that and various reality shows in syndication on Bravo and VH1 (hey, there wasn't anything good to watch, what else could I do?) However later that evening we did check out ANOTHER harbor and it sort of reminded me Shanty Town (I'm sure I spelled that wrong) outside of Ocean City, MD.
The Gamecube fit suprisingly perfectly in the Boda...I didn't bring my 360 because it was too heavy and I didn't feel like unhooking the crazy mass of wires I had jumbled together under my TV

I personally wouldn't want to buy anything that had been in a Pelican's Pouch, but to each his own I guess...

With all the stormy weather it was kind of nice to see calm waters...
Also to occupy my time as Lobster Boy, I observed some fauna that happened to congregate outside our little villa (I'm not much of a bird guy, so I have no idea what species they were, but if any of you reading this know what they are, let me know in the comments) including several birds and a plethora of turtles. On the bike ride I chose to pass up, my family claims to have seen an alligator, however I never encountered one during my stay.
My sister decided to feed the turtles and she had like 10 of them at one time climbing up to get the food she had... this is the only one who got completely out of the water though...

On our final day, my sister wanted to go see Savannah, Georgia for some reason, so we all had to pile up in the car and head TOWARDS the tropical storm, something no other fools on the eastern shore would have done. The truth came out when we got there, that she just wanted to see the birthplace of the woman who created the Girl Scouts (my sister is going to be 21 in 2.5 weeks...yeah definitely no longer a girl scout). My mom and my sister explored that building for about an hour while my dad and I drove around the city looking for anything interesting...there wasn't much there, but I did happen to notice a really cool path with these overgrown trees and had to stop to take a couple photos.
A lighthouse we stopped at on the drive home...I took this shot about 5 seconds before torrential rains started to soak me... I'm glad my gear is weather sealed!

Here's my obligatory 'beach' family photo... my family is very self-conscious about pictures of them... my dad kept asking me to completely redo his hairline... I tweaked some stray hairs and told him he'd look like Fabio and left it at that... he never comes to this site, so that will be our little secret :)
The shot is taken at 7AM in the morning with the rising sun lighting up one side of us and a remote SB-800 filling in the rest.

If you like to check out the rest of the photos I took during the trip, you can see them all at noahhayes.net