Yesterday Kimberly Brooke Green invited a couple of us up to hang out and shoot at one of her favorite locations near her studio in Westminster, MD. It was an amazing run-down barn and adjacent field with beautiful scenery everywhere you look. It has rained briefly earlier that day which made for gorgeous cloud cover for photography. Also Kim had her friend Bassin (who made for a great model) come out and hang with us for the afternoon! Check it out!
The "light tree" that Kim and I put together with an SB-80, two SB-900s, a SB-800 and four pocket wizards...all held on with Justin Clamps!
of COURSE I had to do a self-portrait!
Armin went to go pick up his car at the shop, so he missed this one...
Nikon's Angels!
Winder woman Kimberly Brooke Green!